

Where Do Stink Bugs Come From?

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Stink bugs may infest your house in the fall and winter if you live in the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic. While stink bugs pose no health risks, they annoy many households. If your residence has stink bugs, contact pest control services today. 

Stink bugs – what are they? 

Adult stink bugs are shield-shaped, three-quarters of an inch long, brown, gray, or dark green. They have alternating bright and dark stripes on their antennae and the narrow outer border of their abdomen. The stink glands are positioned between the first and second set of legs on the underside of the thorax.

Stink bugs usually breed once a year, but during the warm spring and summer months, they can generate two or three generations in a single year. During the warm months, females attach millions of stink bug eggs to the undersides of stems and leaves. Wingless nymphs go through five life stages after hatching before becoming adults.

Adult stink bugs are most active from spring until fall when they emerge from their overwintering locations in search of warmth. They often enter houses and hide behind curtains, lampshades, and other household items.

How did stink bugs come to America? 

Because stink bugs are not native to the United States, how did they get here in the first place? The brown marmorated stink bug arrived in the United States from Asia. This stink insect is indigenous to Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. They were discovered for the first time in the United States in northern Pennsylvania in 1998. From there, they went to New Jersey, and the stink bug had already spread over much of North America.

Why stink bugs are a problem. 

Stink bugs are just an annoyance for homeowners. However, stink bug outbreaks have caused agricultural and plant damage for farmers. Stink bugs like fruit trees and enjoy maize, tomatoes, green peppers, and persimmons. They will also consume ornamental plants, weeds, soybeans, and beans planted for human use. Stink bugs consume by piercing and sucking their mouthparts, causing irreversible plant harm.

Some producers have lost whole harvests owing to stink insect infestations, and the agricultural sector has lost millions of dollars due to stink bugs. Because they are not native to the United States, there are no natural predators that could help keep the population under control. Scientists are working tirelessly to find strategies to tackle this invasive species.

These agricultural pests are not simply a concern for large farms. Organic vegetable producers in areas with abundant stink bugs have been overwhelmed by stricter controls on over-the-counter pesticides. Community gardeners and families have been frustrated by swarms of stink bugs destroying their crops.